We’ve recently identified an issue that impacted how we handled compensation claims for lost or damaged articles between 26 October 2018 and 31 October 2022. We have voluntarily entered into an Enforceable Undertaking with the Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) in respect of this issue, after having self-reported and cooperated with the ACCC.
Read on to learn how to make a claim for compensation if you were impacted.
The issue
We may have incorrectly denied requests for compensation in relation to some eligible claims for lost or damaged articles in a manner inconsistent with our legal obligations.
We have fixed this issue and put processes in place to prevent it from recurring.
What does this mean for you?
If you had a contract with StarTrack and submitted a request for compensation for a lost or damaged article between 26 October 2018 and 31 October 2022 and it was denied, you may be eligible to receive compensation for postage costs in respect of that lost or damaged article. Most business contract customers will be automatically compensated. All other customers can access a simple claims process for remediation. The compensation would include a refund of the postage amount you paid for the article (including any applicable surcharges), plus interest (calculated at the average Reserve Bank of Australia interest rate during the relevant period plus an additional 2 per cent).
If you were a receiver (or intended receiver) of a StarTrack delivery who requested compensation for a lost or damaged article between 26 October 2018 and 31 October 2022 and it was denied, you may be eligible for compensation. This compensation could include the value or cost of the article and any postage costs you may have paid, plus interest (calculated at the average Reserve Bank of Australia interest rate during the relevant period plus an additional 2 per cent).
You will not be eligible for compensation if the sender of the article provided you with a refund or replacement for your article and a refund of any postage costs that you paid at the time.
How to make a claim
If you have been notified that you are eligible for automatic compensation and that we require your payment details, you will need to confirm your details via the Claims Portal (supported by Deloitte) using the unique reference number noted in those communications.
You can also submit a claim to be assessed for compensation for articles lost or damaged between 26 October 2018 and 19 December 2023. Claims can be lodged for assessment up until 19 June 2024 via the Claims Portal. This portal can only be used for claims relating to this issue.
If you’re a contract customer, for each claim you’ll need to:
- provide the tracking ID (or consignment number) for each relevant article; and
- if you’re a former contract customer without an active Business Credit Account (or charge account), provide evidence of authority to claim on behalf of the business who was a party to the contract with Australia Post (for example, a copy of the former contract).
If you’re a receiver, you’ll need to:
- provide the tracking ID (or consignment number) for the relevant article; and
- provide proof of value of the article, such as a receipt, bank statement or other proof of purchase showing the article’s value.
Please note that if we receive claims for compensation as part of this claims process in respect of the same article from both the sender and receiver, we will provide compensation to the first claim received, not both. If you are a receiver, you may still be entitled to compensation for the value or cost of the article.
How long do I have to submit a claim?
You have until 19 June 2024 to submit a claim.
What happens after I submit my claim?
We’ll contact you with a progress update within 15 business days from the date you submit your claim(s).
Need more information?
More information, including frequently asked questions and answers, is available via the Claims Portal. If you are having issues accessing the portal or have any questions, please contact us or contact us on (03) 9640 1791.